Alright it is confession time. It took me a long time to understand this thing we all call infographics. While looking at other infographics that people have made, I was thinking that these things were one of the coolest ways to organize data ever! I also thought that it looked ridiculously hard to do. Therefore, I embarked on my journey to create an infographic of my very own. My first finding, was that it was one of the coolest ways to organize data ever! My second finding, was that this is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I, personally, consider myself to be quite good with technology, so I couldn't understand why I couldn't figure this out. I started by trying to decide what was the best way to make one, because there were so many options. Well that took forever. I came across one program that would allow me to do a simple venn diagram... easy right? HA!! I had no idea how to even do that. So honestly, I gave up for a little while. Took me about two weeks before I decided to try again. So i signed into to give it another go. I stumbled upon this one called the "Twitter Account Showdown, which I have seen a couple of times previously. I really liked the idea of comparing Twitter accounts, so I gave it a go. The hardest part of it was trying to decide who to battle against. I looked across the table to the left, and across the table to the right. The one on the left just started Twitter, and had maybe 4 tweets (hello Adrienne), and the one on the right I'm pretty sure only follows 6 people, with 0 tweets (hello Kristan). So i decided to pick a celebrity, but a worthy celebrity. When I mean worthy, I mean someone who is involved in education somehow. So, I decided to battle Bill Nye The Science Guy (@TheScienceGuy)!! So it was easy as signing into Twitter through visually, and clicking a button. BOOM!! Done! The results were not shocking at all, and the winner won by a landslide. Bill Nye dominated me in the Twitter statistics. He tweets a lot more than I do, and he has way more followers than me. I, however, follow more people than he does, and I also beat him in mentions on weeks 2 and 4. Woot woot!
Besides getting a super smackdown from Bill Nye, I also learned a few things. Apparently a bulk of my tweeting takes place on Mondays at 3 am. Maybe I sleep tweet I have no idea. The tool of infographics is still very interesting to me. I am going to keep playing around on them to fully figure them out. Mainly because I want to eventually use them in a classroom. It would be a way more innovative and fun way to present data with the students, and I am sure they would love it! Go infographics!!! (Sort of).
Until next time.... CHEERS!!!
create infographics with
Well, you're only about 663 thousand followers behind him. That's nothing on twitter. I'm rooting for you.
ReplyDeleteInfographics can be difficult. I couldn't get to work for me and found to be visually limited. Maybe try piktochart? A few other I4Ed-ers have used it and it looks good.