Sunday, March 3, 2013

There Is An App For That... Seriously There Is An App For Almost Everything

    I love apps (applications)!!  Being the Apple, Inc. enthusiast I am, I love anything that has to do with apps.  I have an iPhone loaded with apps, as well as an iPad full of them.  I even went onto the App Store, to buy an app, that tells me about apps, and when apps become free (yup... I'm that guy).  There are apps for information such as weather, movie times, banking, news, etc.  There are apps that are games, such as Angry Birds, Ghostbusters, Rat on a Snowboard, Plants vs. Zombies, etc.  There are also apps for social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  If you want something, there is an app for that.  What about education?  Are there apps for education?  If companies want to make it anywhere these days they have to incorporate education somehow.  Due to my overuse of Apple products, here is one of my favorite apps to use, and I plan to use it in the classroom soon!


ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard

I have had the ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard app for awhile now, and it has been awesome!  Essentially it is a whiteboard for your iPad!  This can also be downloaded through android devices as well, but I will explain from an IOS stand point.  You start it up and you are given a blank white screen, with a pen option (with multiple color options... oooooo), as well as a clear all, an eraser, and a couple other options.  There is also a record button.  Once you are ready, hit record and start your lesson.  While you are writing (I suggest getting a stylus pen for convenience) your voice can also be recorded.  A great use for this app is to do lessons, whether it be math, science, english, or whatever!  Just write and record.  You can then share it via Twitter, Facebook, email, or embed it in a website or blog (like I did below).  You could then hook it up to your projector, so the whole class can see it.  My favorite feature is that you can share it.  This is a great function, especially if a child was sick that day.  If a student was sick and missed a long division lesson, one could easily do a quick ShowMe lesson and then email it to the parents or put it on the classroom website so the student could watch it.  Another awesome feature is that you can even search lessons other people have made.  There are thousands of lesson covering all subjects and topics.  If you are looking for a really good lesson on science just search it up and it will most likely be there!  Lessons can also be viewed over their website.  All you have to do is create an account (which booyah is free), select what subjects you like, and it's all learning from there.  If you have a tablet this is a must get, and if you don't, the website with all of its recorded lessons is a must see!!  Below the video is a link to the app store!  Until next time... CHEERS!!

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